35th Specialty Coffee Expo Recap

35th Specialty Coffee Expo Recap

The 35th annual Specialty Coffee Expo, held in Chicago, marked a significant gathering of coffee and tea professionals from around the globe. With a 23% increase in attendance, the event hosted the most extensive exhibit in its history, featuring 602 companies. New to the expo were the Green Coffee Connect and Retail Buyers Lounge, enhancing the experience for participants in the coffee trade. Sam Schrup's AudienceTap won the Retail Buyers Lounge Pitch Slam. The expo also continued its tradition of honoring excellence with the Best New Product and Coffee Design Awards, alongside the Sustainability Awards, recognizing innovation and impact in the coffee industry. This year's World Coffee Championships saw Dionatan Almeida and Martin Wölfl claiming the titles of World Cup Tasters Champion and World Brewers Cup Champion, respectively. The expo's next stop is Houston, Texas in April 2025.


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