A New Brew - Rarebird Coffee Offers Energy Without the Jitters

A New Brew - Rarebird Coffee Offers Energy Without the Jitters

Rarebird Coffee introduces a unique alternative for coffee lovers seeking a late afternoon boost without the usual caffeine crash. This innovative coffee uses preroasted beans infused with paraxanthine (Px), a compound that provides alertness similar to caffeine but with a shorter half-life. This means it is less likely to disrupt sleep, making it an ideal choice for those who want to enjoy coffee later in the day.

• Rarebird Coffee comes in ground beans and K-Cup pods, available in medium and dark roasts.

• Each serving contains 60 milligrams of paraxanthine, offering focused energy without jitters.

• The company is working on a patent for green Px coffee beans, which will allow for more roasting options in the future.

• The product is recognized as safe by the FDA and contains only Arabica coffee and synthesized paraxanthine.

This new coffee option is significant as it caters to caffeine-sensitive individuals and those looking for a more balanced energy boost. Rarebird Coffee could change the way people enjoy their afternoon coffee, allowing them to stay productive without compromising their evening rest.


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