Brewing Resilience - IoT Tackles Climate Change in Coffee

Brewing Resilience - IoT Tackles Climate Change in Coffee

La Marzocco, Cisco, and Pnat have launched Consenso, a pioneering project using IoT technology to understand and counteract the impact of climate change on Arabica coffee production. The initiative is being carried out at the Utengule Coffee Farm in Tanzania, where an array of solar-powered sensors is deployed to monitor plant health, environmental conditions, and water usage. These sensors gather data on internal plant parameters and environmental factors, which is then analyzed to develop sustainable farming practices and water conservation strategies. Additionally, the project aims to measure the farm's carbon storage and the potential benefits of shade trees on CO2 absorption. With 52 sensors and other monitoring equipment in place, the data collected will be used to create adaptable agricultural methods to increase plant resilience, not just for Utengule but for coffee farms globally in response to the changing climate.

You can read Lux Cafe Club's article on Global Warming's Unseen Victim - The Coffee Industry here.




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