Caffeine Craze - My Anxiety Awakening

Caffeine Craze - My Anxiety Awakening

The article sheds light on the lesser-known negative effects of caffeine, particularly its link to anxiety. Despite the widespread love for coffee and its benefits for productivity and creativity, excessive consumption can lead to increased cortisol levels, mood swings, high blood pressure, and fatigue. The author recounts a personal experience of having an anxiety attack triggered by strong coffee during a period of high stress. Research supports that caffeine can exacerbate anxiety and panic attacks. The article argues that the issue isn't coffee itself, but our culture's glorification of relentless work and stress, leading to a harmful cycle of stimulant and depressant use. The takeaway is to advocate for moderation, self-care, and a balanced approach to productivity, rather than an overreliance on caffeine to cope with overworking.


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